This morning as Katie was driving to drop me off to work we were talking about how we havent really posted much over the summer. But hopefully as school starts and we get into a seady routine things will get better.
As i comment on whats been going on i will start with the newest stuff and work my way back. Instead of just throwing out information.
Last night we had the second city meeting in the backyard. THe first one was great! People showed up and made comments about things that they want done to make the neigborhood better. At the meeting last night the City of Joplin people unveiled the new plans for what will actually happen. It was exiting to stand there and hear them explain it all, and know that i will hopefully be around long enough to see that happen.
One of the things that they mentioned was the increase of police precense, and enforcement of traffic violations. As they were saying this, Katie and i both turned toward each other and giggled, probably because we were both thinking the same thing "good thing to know, i wont be speeding in the neigbothood anymore, or parking in the wrong direction". Traffic violations are a stumbling block for the two of us.
Already this morning we have seen them actually do what they promised, we passed three police cars in our neighbohood as we drove and also saw a group of inmates picking up trash under police supervision. Its great to see things happening!
it rained last nigh during the meeting, but thats ok. People still stayed, which was amazing and shows how much people really want the neigborhood to get better. With the rain its cooled down a lot. With one window unit in our house for the main living areas and two of our bedrooms, things tend to stay pretty warm. But this will be nice, and we can turn off the AC and hopefully get a break on our electric bill, which im thinking will be the hightest so far this summer because weve been running the AC pretty consistently.
Yesterday in the morning Katie, Josh and his family worked on the yard. Things (bushes and grass) had been a little out of control. It looks so great now. Sometimes its hard to keep up with everything. But their work came at the perfect time, just before the city meeting. There are no words to express our appretiation. Thanks Rick, Anna and Dom for helping out.
Camp: this summer some of the GR kids have been able to go to camp. They have had a lot of fun there. but hopefully they have grown in their faith and developed some friendships with kids that will be an encouragement to them.
I remember going to camp growing up, being away (most of the time because dad was sometimes a dean) from parents and bad friends and take a week to be in the word, to listen to great men preach and just have fun. it was at camp that i came foward and accepted Christ as my personal savior. i will always remember sitting in the chapel and holding on to the bench infront of me not wanting to go up, but wanting to soo badly at the same time. Its a crazy emotion.
i was also at College Age camp this last weekend. it was great. my favorite part of college age camp (other than staying up late playing rockband and sleeping in till noon) was the last night college students went up and talked, gave their testimonies, and encouraged one another.
What an amazing moment, it reminded me of why i fell in love with the college age in the first place, this their passion for God, people, service, and comminuty. And to be able to hear how people were affected by these things. it was truly amazing.