This morning started out completaly normal. I got up, showered, got my lunch together to go to work. The mailman came by (Dan Quade) with a package for Katie and I. Exiting stuff!
I get in my car, drive to work. I take my time, i left a little earlier that usual. On my way to work, i get a call from my oldroommate Bev. She wants to borrow my car to go get lunch. So as im waiting for her, to make the trade...
I start hearing this meowing thats coming from near the car. My first instinct told me it must be a bird flying by. Then as i walk around the car, it got louder. And i figure it out. There must be a cat under the hood of my car.
(you know, you always hear stories like that, most of the times it ends tragically. But katie and i lived at God's Resort, surrounded by cats all winter long, and it hadnt even come close to happening).
so i rush back to my car, pop the hood, and sure enough. There was this little fellow:

we called my boss and asked for special permision for me to keep him with me at work. He was really scared. But really im just glad he survived!
I do believe that for the next few days i will be checking under my hood before i take of driving anywhere.
1 comment:
ne te sens pas seul ou coupable!
Nous avons deux adorables chatons (qui recherchent d'ailleurs un foyer si ça intéresse quelqu'un:-)
Ce matin, nous partons comme d'habitude conduire la petite à la crèche et en sortant, mon compagnon me regarde avec un drôle d' entend des miaulements provenant de son moteur!
En soulevant le capot, il saute sur le premire petit animal qui s'en échappe et...continue à entendre des cris!!!
Les deux s'étaient réfugiés durant la nuit sous le capot et n'avaient pas eu le réflexe d'en sortir, malgré les 15 km effectués à 100km/heure sur le ring!
Pas moyen de récupérer le chaton n°2, donc retour maison pour changer de véhicule et espérer que ce soir,à notre retour, on retrouvera les chatons en bonne santé!
A bientôt!
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