Aug 7, 2007

frustrations and encouragement...

there are many frustrations that come with moving. living in boxes for a while, cleaning, and just turning an empty house into a home. For Katie and myself there are a few added frustrations. we know that we are not moving into the best neighborhood, so there are certain precautions and dangers that we are aware of. Not to mention the bugs, and other little details that when added together can really be discouraging. but like scripture says: "if God is on our side, then who is against us?" my response always is, no one greater than God, that's for sure!
As Katie and I, along with our many great friends work hard at getting the house cleaned up there were a few days were i was more discouraged than i had been before. I was getting ready to give up and try and find a new place to live, but by God's great mercy and grace, encouragement came at the precise moment that I needed it. People came in and not only listened to our needs and frustrations but they embraced us and helped meet our needs. Only in God's family can this kind of encouragement and blessing be delivered. God is great, and when his people listen and obey, great things are done in His name.

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