Feb 13, 2008

six months and a few weeks later.

Its taken me a while to process thru ( which is something we do A LOT down at God's Resort)the changes that i feel i have gone thru since moving to God's Resort. Katie posted a while back, and i do agree with what she said the changes in me have been.

In a way, im not sure "change" is the right word. I would maybe use "grow" or "mature". All i know is that i am happy, im closer to Jesus every day, and i love were i am. Sure there are some "hard" physical situations, with the slow return of the roaches and the constant need for repair in the house. But my walk with Christ is stronger and closer.

My number one big change or realization that i have gone thru is realizing that i dont need to know my future plans. When people realize that im close to getting done with college, they ask me what i plan to do. and every time i kind of give a half hearted responce of "ohh i dont know". but the truth is, I AM DOING what i want to do with my life.

As a culture, we tend to think that when we get done with a certain thing, then we can do what we always wanted, or we can start living for the Lord, or we can have our perfect life. In our minds we say: When i get done with college ill know what i want to do with the rest of my life. or when i get married ill know, or when i have kids, or when i get a house, or when i join a ministry, or when my kids grow up, or when i get a better car, or when, etc. and we never live in the present.

And if we lived in the present we would invest our time and energy into what we are already doing. We could commit ourselfes.

Im living ministry. something that not all people can do or are even called to do. There are a lot of people who "do" ministry, but there are only a few who "live" minsitry. There is a difference between doing ministry and living ministry. The biggest one that comes to mind for me is that when you "do" ministry, it means that at the end of the day you get to go home and continue living completely seperate from your ministry.

Living at God's Resort, i have realized that "living"minsitry is something i want to do. For the rest of my life, i want to LIVE ministry. i dont want to go home at the end of the day and live completely seperate from the hurting world out there. I have realized that my career cant be the most important thing in my life. Living ministry is what i want to do with my life. I have plans for my future career (dont get me wrong, i realize the importance and need for me to be self sustainable in financial matters), but if this was all i focused on, i would probably go crazy.

My sister Erica has helped me realize a lot of this. That when we go to college, college is what our lives become, we focus completely on it. As freshman we live in the dorm, hang out with college age kids, our biggest dilema is what to do for fun. but school shouldnt be that we focus on our life on it should be our ministry, our walk with Christ, and school is something that helps us in these areas. So it is the same with our careers. Our work should be something that enables us to do ministry; and this is different for each person.

So how have i changed in the last six months?. for the most part, i have figured out what i want to do with the rest of my life. i want to live in the NOW. live in the present. (not totally forget about the future) but start living in a way that i do now the most that i can for Christ.

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