Sep 17, 2007

Transparency Part II

Something has been off in my relationship with Christ and I think I finally figured out what it is. This summer was an amazing time of growth for me and I came out of it a different person, but the last couple of weeks something has had me completely scattered. Randy Gariss always talks about how we cannot be those people who come on Sundays to get our fix and live off church for the rest of the week with no real continuing time with God. I hadn't thought that was me because, well first of all I am at the church all the time, but also because I have been really fighting for time and relationship with Christ. I was going through a study today and something jumped out at me from the text, "to live where I can listen is all He calls me too." I realized suddenly that I am seeking and seeking, but never slowing down enough to wait for a response. The text went further to say that we must be "weak enough to listen, but strong enough to wait."

I do not think this means I need to move from God's Resort, but it did make me realize that the way I spend my time does not allow time to actually commune with God and allow Him a chance to speak. It's no wonder I keep asking and getting no response. He is fighting and fighting to get through all I have put before Him. So, I'm going to try this week being a better listener. I think this may be part of the reason Meg and I have been so exhausted. We desperately are crying out for His strength and His help, but we won't stop long enough to really let Him be that for us.

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