Sep 17, 2007


These last few weeks Katie and I have been feeling exhausted. The funny thing is that at the same time I feel like we aren't doing anything. I know we are doing stuff, we are working, I'm going to school, doing stuff with the college age, and stuff with the kids, not to mention hanging out with friends and family.
So at prayer meeting (Thursdays at the church) i was thinking about why we were so tired. And it hit me, we have been living at God's resort for over a month now, and the spiritual battles that go on around us are taking a tole on our bodies.
Jay said something the other day that really hit home for me. It was something along the ways of if we try and carry the burdens of everyone we come in contact with down at God's Resort we will always be totally exhausted, because we don't have the strength to, so what we need to do is carry the burdens to Christ, take them to Him and he will carry them. o how true these words are. as it says in Matt 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"
Let us rest in Him.

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