Jan 23, 2008

Being Aware

This conflict in the Congo has been going on since 1998, but only recently has really started to get media attention. Instead of tiny blurbs on pg. 11 it finally is making front page news. It scares me though to think that all of the rallying around an issue can attract such attention like say Sudan two years ago and yet you hear little mention of Sudan today and not because it is at peace. I am so tired of world issues becoming the latest hot topic for discussion and then dying out after six months with no actual fruit. I mean I can't tell you the last time I actually really did something tangibly helpful for Sudan or the Congo, but why not start now? Is raising awareness really enough? Is that really causing any kind of change in our government's policies with the nation or the way that their government is approaching the conflict? I want change and they desperately need it. Here is a video website for an introduction to the history of the Congo conflict. Take a look, react, see what difference could be made.

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