Jan 8, 2008


Some weeks are easier than others, but this one particularly hit hard. Starting last wednesday it has just felt like the bottom dropped out of life and I am falling out of control. I feel like I am desperately clinging to Christ to hold me up, but there is just an overwhelming oppression right now. At the same time though there are amazing moments of pure joy that I know can only come from Christ. My friends John and Becca were married this past Saturday in a beautiful wedding. I spent all of Sunday with the kids at home and that was joyous even in the middle of chaos. I have been around community more than usual soaking in the love of friends.

Our neighborhood needs your prayer, anyone out there reading this. There is actually nightly prayer going on all of January at 7 pm. People are moving, others are coming back, one family is in the middle of a terrible crisis, and others are just trying to make it one day after another. We need the prayer. I see Christ in my neighbors though. Staring back at me out of the tired and weeping eyes, is a Savior who dwells in the inhabitants of our neighborhood and He will make His presence known. Is it possible to feel joyous sorrow? It seems like such a contradiction but we as Christians are called to rejoice in our persecution and I think this may be the first time I truly have felt that. Even though my heart hurts so badly for what is going on right now, I have confidence in my Redeemer and know His love.

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